The AgroSERV project, coordinated by AnaEE ERIC and CNRS, brings together 70+ partners to work towards a sustainable and resilient agro-ecological transition. The consortium will work closely with partners from different aspects of society, from farmers to industry, including citizens and policy makers, through living labs and towards the establishment of evidence-based policy, and co-developed practices in agriculture. In this consortium, Euro-BioImaging will offer access to advanced imaging services to researchers through a selection of Nodes targeting topics of agroecology, plant biology, water, soil, and microorganisms.

Learn more here.
This project received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement Number 101058020.

Funded by the EU

AgroSERV News

March 24, 2025

Imaging to combat crop diseases: How Euro-BioImaging transforms agricultural research

Between 20-40% of global food crop production is lost each year due to plant pests and pathogens, highlighting the urgency for scientific research in…

AgroServ funding call

November 11, 2024

3rd Open Call for Projects in AgroSERV

AgroServ is a transdisciplinary initiative supported by the European Union through the Horizon Europe program and will continue until 2027. It supports the research…

2nd AgroServ Open Call for Access

July 2, 2024

2nd Open Call for Projects in AgroServ

AgroServ has launched the Second Open Call for projects (Pre-proposals deadline : 9th of August, Full Proposals deadline : 30th of September 2024). Selected projects will receive funding for free access to integrated research infrastructure services & expertise.

AgroServ logo

September 20, 2023

First Open Call for Projects in AgroServ

AgroServ is a transdisciplinary project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme, running until 2027. It supports…

Austrian BioImaging Euro-BioImaging User Forum Plant Biology

September 7, 2023

Evaluating the adaptability of Norway spruce seedlings to drought stress

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

France BioImaging Euro-BioImaging User Forum on Plant Biology

September 7, 2023

Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy of Plant tissues

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

FiAM Node User Forum on Plant Biology

September 7, 2023

3D micro-CT to resolve fine structures in plants: a case of Gerbera hybrida

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

User Forum on Plant Biology Nicola D'Ascenzo

September 7, 2023

Validating wheat sap velocity measured with a heat pulse sensor with PET imaging

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

Prague Node at Euro-BioImaging User Forum

September 7, 2023

Imaging of the interactions of plant cells with fungal pathogens

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

Understanding Plant Biology Euro-BioImaging User Forum

September 7, 2023

Imaging endomembrane dynamics in plants

Imaging technologies support research into the structure and function of plants, shed light on plant health, resilience and adaptability, and help answer agroecology-related research…

Euro-BioImaging User Forum on Plant Biology

June 28, 2023

Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Understanding Plant Biology

The next Euro-BioImaging User Forum will take place on Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 2 pm-5 pm CEST. The topic is “Understanding plant biology.”…

November 2, 2022

AgroSERV Kick-off meeting in Prague

On October 17, the Horizon EU-funded AgroSERV project, coordinated by AnaEE ERIC and…

July 6, 2022

Euro-BioImaging is pleased to be part of Horizon Europe funded project consortia

From 2022, Euro-BioImaging will be involved in five new Horizon Europe consortia, thus receiving important grants to drive new developments in key areas and…