
AI4LIFE is a Horizon Europe-funded project that brings together the computational and life science communities. Its goal is to empower life science researchers to harness the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) methods for bioimage analysis – and in particular microscopy image analysis. With a consortium of ten partners, AI4LIFE promises to create harmonized and interoperable AI tools & methods via Open calls and public challenges and bring these developments to researchers via strategic outreach and advanced training. The solutions developed within the AI4LIFE framework are crucial to solving today’s microscopy image analysis problems and will contribute to boosting the pace of biological and medical insights in the coming years.


Read the press release here.

AI4Life News

March 15, 2024

New resources for image analysis available in Galaxy

Galaxy is a free, open-source cloud-based system for analyzing data, authoring workflows and much more. A number of tools and resources for the imaging…

AI4Life Open Call poster

January 26, 2024

Need Deep Learning support for your image analysis project?

The Second AI4Life Open Call, tailored to offer Deep Learning support to life scientists dealing with image analysis challenges, is open! This Open Call…

July 20, 2023

Models from the BioImage Model Zoo used by Leica Microsystems

Euro-BioImaging coordinates access to cutting-edge imaging technologies, expertise and data services at some of the best imaging facilities across Europe. In that capacity, Euro-BioImaging…

January 29, 2023

AI4Life & BioImage Archive FAIR AI Workshop

On January 24-25, 2023, the BioImage Archive (BIA) in collaboration with the AI4Life project, hosted a…

October 25, 2022

Pleased to host the AI4Life Kick-Off meeting in Heidelberg

This week, the AI4LIFE Project kicks off! We are pleased to host 25+ participants hailing from 10 different institutions – our project partners –…

September 2, 2022

Horizon Europe-funded projects are officially launched

On September 1, 2022, four of the new Horizon Europe-funded projects that Euro-BioImaging ERIC is a partner in are officially launched! We very much…

July 8, 2022

Proud to be part of the AI4LIFE project

AI4LIFE is a Horizon Europe-funded project that brings together the computational and life science communities. Its goal is to empower life science researchers to…