The Horizon Europe-funded canSERV project, led by BBMRI ERIC, brings together 19 partners including European life science research infrastructures and other key organizations in the field of oncology to support the EU Cancer Mission. In this project, Euro-BioImaging ERIC co-leads Work Package 2 alongside Instruct ERIC, which, in collaboration with other partner research infrastructures, will provide the biological and biomedical imaging technologies, structural biology methods, genomics and analytical pipelines for addressing fundamental cancer research questions at a molecular, cellular and whole organism level. Twenty-eight Euro-BioImaging Nodes are involved in this project, and are excited to provide their expertise in support of user projects within the context of this project.
Learn more about canSERV in its homepage, here.
This project received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement Number 101058620.

canSERV News
