Until 2020, Euro-BioImaging participated in the Horizon 2020-funded cluster project CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-Science Services). The consortium, comprising of Euro-BioImaging and 12 other life science research infrastructures, aims to facilitate the access to services offered consecutively or in parallel by the participating research infrastructures, thereby supporting scientists in performing advanced interdisciplinary research. In two Open Calls for research projects – co-organised by Euro-BioImaging - almost 40 user projects were selected and granted access, free of charge, to at least two RIs of their choice. Here, Euro-BioImaging by far was the most requested research infrastructure. With the help of these user projects, CORBEL is tackling the challenges in joint service provision across institutes and establishing the long-term sustainability of harmonised access to multiple RIs for the benefit of European life science research. Based on the experiences gained from the user projects, experts within CORBEL are performing essential background work towards the harmonisation of user access. A common access portal for the Open Calls and an authorisation/authentication infrastructure have also been developed, and the consortium is working on data management issues and is offering common ethical and legal services as well as innovation support to the European life science community.
Learn more about CORBEL in its home page.
