
Remote and digital access to research infrastructure services is key to sustainable, equitable and resilient RI service provision, but it involves many challenges and requires new developments. To drive the adoption of remote and digital access to RI services, Euro-BioImaging participates in the eRImote project, which officially launched on June 1st 2022. The project with the full title “Pathways to Improved resilience through Remote/Digital Access for European Research Infrastructures”, is a cross-domain project, coordinated by DESY (German Electron Synchrotron) and bringing together 12 partners from a wide range of different scientific domains covering the social, physical, environmental and life sciences. Euro-BioImaging, along with partner RIs Instruct-ERIC and INFRAFRONTIER, represents the life science Research Infrastructures in this project.

The eRImote project focuses on collecting practical tools and solutions for remote and digital RI service and connecting the wider community of stakeholders via workshops and expert groups. At the same time, the project partners will develop joint recommendations for the transition to remote/digital access through use cases and a green paper. Euro-BioImaging plays a central role in this project, co-leading a work package and driving one of the 5 use cases.

eRImote News

September 26, 2022

More workshop opportunities from the eRImote project

Climate change and the global pandemic have changed the way we work and interact with each other. From home office and virtual meetings to…

August 5, 2022

Towards sustainable operations – Workshop opportunities from the eRImote project

Climate change and the global pandemic have changed the way we work and interact with each other. From home office and virtual meetings to…

June 2, 2022

eRImote project launch

Remote access to Research Infrastructures (RI) services has become a hot topic since the pandemic in 2020. Euro-BioImaging Nodes and Hub have worked hard…