Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that can support cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment. The development of innovative digital solutions relies on data, including cancer imaging data. The objective of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative is to deploy a federated infrastructure of cancer images covering different cancer types, making them available to clinicians, researchers and innovators. It will allow for the development, benchmarking, testing and piloting of Artificial Intelligence-based technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Within the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, the EUCAIM project supports this objective. Euro-BioImaging is proud to participate in the project alongside several Med Nodes, DIMP Neuromed and Portuguese Brain Imaging Network Node (University of Coimbra), as well as the Population Imaging Flagship Node Rotterdam (ERASMUS MC) and IRCSS SDN, part of the MMMI Italian Node.

Euro-BioImaging and its Nodes will contribute to a number of Work Packages to help build the backbone for the next generation of cancer diagnostics and treatments. Our work will focus on building the Data Federation & Interoperability Framework (WP5) as well as contributing Use cases for platform expansion and validation (WP7). We are working together with MATICAL (co-lead WP8) on Business & Sustainability models to establish legal, financial and operational structure to sustain the Central Hub in the long-term.

The project also links to the data expertise and engagement of Euro-BioImaging and its Nodes and also links closely to several projects we are participating in, including EOSC4CancerCanSERV, and AI4Life.

Read the press release from project leader EIBIR.

Visit the project website:


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