The mission of the IMAGINE consortium, led by EMBL, is to develop the technologies needed to bridge the molecular scale of structure with the organismal scale of function and to bring those technologies not only to highly specialised central facilities and standard laboratory models, but make them applicable to a wide range of samples and through the Research Infrastructures make them available to all researchers. All the technologies targeted for development within IMAGINE, specifically with their application to the imaging of biological samples, are part of the Euro-BioImaging technology framework. Accordingly, Euro-BioImaging will play a central role in this project in providing input to the developments, support the validation of the technologies, and through our Nodes make the developed tools accessible.

Read the article on our website for more information.


June 15, 2023

IMAGINE project – imaging technology developments to address socio-economic challenges

Euro-BioImaging is pleased to be part of the IMAGINE project, which kicked off this week at the EMBL Imaging Centre in Heidelberg, Germany. The…