IMPRESS brings together 19 partners from 11 European countries, comprising scientists, companies, experts in the field of electron microscopy and research infrastructures, who will collaborate to address needs that are not yet satisfied by commercially-available electron microscopes.
At the core of the IMPRESS project is the development of an interoperable platform based on a modular and standardized cartridge concept, which allows for flexibility and adaptability to different microscopes and instrumentation. This platform will facilitate a wide range of multimodal experiments, correlative workflows and methodological options, which are currently not available on commercially available electron microscopes.
Euro-BioImaging has a considerable number of Nodes that offer Electron Microscopy services, with an extensive EM service expertise that includes techniques such as cryo-ET, freeze-fracturing, Tokuyasu-EM, volumeEM (FIB-SEM, SBF, Array tomography), CLEM, and CXEM. They constitute a large community of early adopters of technology developments that IMPRESS project will drive forward. Euro-BioImaging is involved in the project by:
- disseminating project developments to the biological imaging community,
- driving training on project developments for technical staff at Euro-BioImaging Nodes in the EM field, and
- providing support for the bioimaging use case via the University of Maastricht - AMMI Node of Euro-BioImaging, to ensure that technology developments are beneficial and adopted by the bioimaging community.
Read the article on our website for more information.
This project received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement Number 101094299.
