Industry Access to Biological and Biomedical Imaging

Do you work for a company in Biotech, Pharma, Health or Agricultural Research and are looking for access to cutting-edge imaging technologies?

Whether your company is looking for single or regular access to a specific instrument or technology in your geographical region or for high-profile scientific and technical experts for international collaborations, we will help you find the best R&D partner for your research focus and business model.

By working with Euro-BioImaging, you can get fast access to instrumentation and skilled service staff, thereby saving on investments and focusing on your core expertise.

Euro-BioImaging offers

  • Single entry point to almost 240 imaging facilities
  • Free and confidential consultation
  • Simple access procedure and support
  • Flexible service
  • Competitive pricing for research services

high-throughput screening of cells - spheroids and organoids

super resolution and electron microscopy - molecular imaging and tracer development

clinical and preclinical PET/CT, PET/MRI and (ultra) high field MRI - imaging under BSL1 to BSL3

advanced image analysis tools - population imaging

...and more!

We help you find the right solution!

You could not find the service you are looking for? Euro-BioImaging is offering access to more than 120 distinct imaging technologies covering all scales from atomic resolution to whole human body imaging. We also provide related services such as sample preparation, cell culture, animal husbandry and image data analysis.

Contact our scientific experts directly to discuss your imaging needs.

Case study 1 – Organ-on-a-chip

Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used for the quality control and characterisation of a blood-brain-barrier model developed at a partner SME.

Confocal laser scanning imaging on Brain endothelium and brain astrocytes for the quality control and characterisation of a blood-brain-barrier model

Case study 2 – Drug delivery

Correlative Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy can be used for high-resolution, chemically specific imaging of drug nanoparticles in cell culture and tissues, or to analyze drug crystallization and its influence in dissolution of tablets.

Case study 3 – Tissue perfusion and oxygenation

Photo Acoustic Imaging (PAI) is a label-free technology with high spatial resolution in tissues up to centimetres thick that can be used to monitor tumor hypoxia.

How does it work?

Our process is adapted to the needs of industry users. You can contact us directly to arrange a first consultation with our technology experts and discuss your imaging needs.

Euro-BioImaging will identify (a) suitable imaging facility/-ies that can provide the technical services you require and put you in direct contact with the responsible access manager. You will need to provide sufficient details on your research project to the facility to be able to assess whether your project is technically feasible and provide an estimate of time and costs.

Confidentiality of your proposal is guaranteed throughout the matchmaking process.

We can provide you with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) if needed or start with your own template.

After you have agreed on a service or collaboration with one or more of our facilities, you will sign a Service Level Agreement or Collaboration Agreement with the facility (depending on the nature of your project) and can schedule your visit.

Euro-BioImaging will work with you closely to set up an effective collaboration with our partners and support you through the administrative and contractual process.

Specific provisions for SMEs

Are you working in non-commercial, pre-competitive research at an SME? You might be eligible to benefit from our funding opportunities if your project fulfils certain eligibility criteria. Please check out our funding page or contact us directly to discuss your project.