Sponsorship Programme

Euro-BioImaging is proud to support events that advance imaging by fostering collaboration across disciplines, encouraging scientific exchanges and engaging the community in meaningful dialogue. Through our Sponsorship Programme, we aim to support and empower organisers of conferences, workshops, and educational activities that align with our mission across Europe and beyond.

The Sponsorship Programme is open to any legal entity worldwide. It focuses on supporting events that improve biological or biomedical imaging awareness, support the diffusion and circulation of biological or biomedical imaging knowledge, contribute to building biological or biomedical imaging communities, or enhance biological or biomedical imaging impact.

If your event aligns with the above criteria, we invite you to submit a request by clicking on the link below. Please note that Euro-BioImaging evaluates sponsorship applications at its discretion, and all decisions are final and not subject to discussion.

Access the sponsorship request form (please note once again that requests from individuals will not be granted): https://forms.gle/fUTdMEuV3EzPMaTY6