Industry resources

Increasing expertise through training

Innovation is often facilitated by bringing new techniques, knowledge and applications to a problem. Increasing expertise through training can therefore drive new ideas and innovation. Build capacity in imaging expertise amongst the Nodes will also have the added benefit of streamlining user access to technologies within the Euro-BioImaging portfolio. It also has potential to make training for EBIB members more cost efficient.

Industry Internships

Euro-BioImaging is collaborating with several MSc degree programmes in Europe (MSc in Cell Biology and Advanced Microscopy (Amsterdam, NL)/MSc in Cell Imaging (Rouen, FR)/ MSc in Advanced Medical Imaging (London, UK)/MSc in Biomedical Imaging (Turku, FI)) to promote student mobility between and from participating institutions. Euro-BioImaging supports the organization of student exchange from short visits in an academic research group, core facility or company, to internships or entire Masters’ theses.

In a pilot phase, ZEISS and TissueGnostics GmbH will be offering internship positions to participants of the MSc Programme in Biomedical Imaging in collaboration with Turku. For more information, click here.

Many of our other Industry Board members also offer internships or part-time positions independent from above-mentioned programmes to students. Please check out their career portal directly to find current openings.

Webinars and on-site trainings

In collaboration with the Euro-BioImaging Hub, we actively identify Node training needs via direct consultation with the Euro-BioImaging Nodes with the aim to facilitate training opportunities in both biological imaging and biomedical imaging. We develop specialized training offers such as

  • technology workshops at suitable Nodes, company training sites or online webinars
  • presentations and demonstrations by companies during Node-organized workshops
  • knowledge exchange workshops on emerging trends imaging and the innovation process


The EBIB will organize at least one Euro-BioImaging stakeholder event annually, either as a satellite to a major imaging conference or as stand-alone meeting at one of our Nodes.

Workshops will be designed around a focus topic selected in consultation with the EBIB members and Euro-BioImaging Nodes and open to a small number of external participants. The events provide an overview over the Euro-BioImaging’s technology portfolio with respect to the selected topic. Euro-BioImaging Nodes will be able to showcase their related capabilities and representatives from EBIB will highlight new technologies and products. EBIB and Node case studies of previous successful industry collaborations will be prioritised for presentation. Workshops will also provide an opportunity for imaging technology providers and academic and commercial users to discuss new technology trends, new user applications and the imaging needs of the scientific community.

Training resources by our EBIB members

Imaging companies on our Industry Board are committed to providing the best support to imaging facility staff and instrument users, and to increasing expertise through training. In addition to offering dedicated networking and training activities for Node staff in collaboration with Euro-BioImaging, they also permanently offer a wide range of freely available resources through their own digital channels.

The tables below present an overview over the different platforms for comprehensive training material and product information offered by our Board members from general principles to specific technologies and applications.

Disclaimer: The below resources link to websites of third parties. Euro-BioImaging does not take any responsibility for the content or accessibility of the offer.

CompanyResourceContent description
EVIDENTResource centerProduct related resources.
EVIDENTMicroscopy resource centerTraining resource on microscopy.
EVIDENTAsk the expertsOne-stop portal for life science microscopy queries (live & on-demand webinars, experts) - free, registration required.
EVIDENTScientific ArticlesOpen access scientific articles with an imaging focus.
Fujifilm VisualSonicsLearning hubVideo tutorials for customers only - free, registration required.
Leica MicrosystemsLeica Science Lab:
introductory articles, tutorials (light microscopy, EM, medical)
Articles and tutorials covering a wide range of microscopy technologies & lists of resources/links for further information according to topic.
Leica MicrosystemsLeica on ResearchGateAlternative access to Leica Science Lab.
Leica MicrosystemsLeica YouTube channelVideos covering training and marketing aspects.
Leica MicrosystemsLeica and BiteSize BioFree webinars on demand, registration required.
NikonMicroscopyUArticles covering a large range of topics, detailed material on theoretical background and tutorials.
NikonEducational resources for microscope-based imagingWebinars, articles, tutorials.
Thermo Fisher ScientificBasic introduction to EMWeb article.
Thermo Fisher ScientificElectron microscopy learning centerFree on demand videos, registration required.
ZEISSOnline microscopy campus for light microscopyInteractive tutorials and articles on principles.
ZEISSAcademy MicroscopyExplore the ZEISS library of learning courses and videos tutorials to select microscopy content that best fits to your needs, instruments and software (ZEISS Portal free login).
ZEISSNews about Microscopy at ZEISSStay up to date about new technologies, applications, and imaging methods.
Microscopy Download Center
Keep your microscope system up to date - get microscope software updates or hotfixes.
Microscopist Podcast
Revealing, entertaining, and personal meetings with the great microscopists of our time.
ZEISSArivis CloudCloud-based Platform for Digital Image Processing and Data Analysis.