
The Kingdom of Norway, a founding member of Euro-BioImaging, proudly hosts two Nodes across Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen: the NorMIC Oslo - Advanced Light Microscope Node, and the NORMOLIM - Norwegian Molecular Imaging Infrastructure. See below to learn more about these Nodes and understand our interactions with Norway.

NorMIC Oslo - Key figures 2023




External Users


User Publications


Remote Users


Training courses


Staff involved

NORMOLIM - Key figures 2023




External Users


User Publications


Remote Users


Training courses


Staff involved

News about Norway

Exemplary image of the tumor microenvironment visualized with intravital microscopy.

May 23, 2023

Intravital microscopy supports progress in nanomedicine and immunotherapy

Understanding how immune cells interact with different medications within the disease environment is at the heart of Alexandros Marios Sofias research interest. He is…

Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Cardiovascular Research

March 6, 2023

The direction matters: SRe changes with direction in a rat model of graded diastolic dysfunction

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

BNMI logo

September 14, 2022

BNMI Symposium – an important event for the Nordic imaging community

From August 17-19, Euro-BioImaging’s Scientific Project Manager, Johanna Bischof, and Quality Manager, Camilo Guzmán, joined Euro-BioImaging’s Nordic Nodes and other members of the international…

NorMIC provided a virtual practical course in image analysis to over 70 students at 2021 – including 30 located outside of Norway - with a central server.  Photos (courtesy of NORMIC) of the 2019 NorMIC workshop (Physical workshop).

April 5, 2022

NorMIC wins two important grants

The Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Node (NorMIC) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded two important grants to develop its infrastructure.

BNMI countries

June 5, 2020

New opportunities for Nordic imaging scientists

A Nordic network of imaging nodes, Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) has been awarded NOK 2.5 million from NordForsk (220,000 Euros), as part of…